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User manual Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2

Operating instructions and pdf manual for use - Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2 User manual, User manual Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2, Alesis, NanoVerb, 2, Digital, Effects, Processor, NANOVERB,

User manual for Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2

Overall rating 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

80% of respondents would recommend this to a friend.
Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2
  • Manufacturer: Alesis
  • Basic description and contents of package
  • Product classification: Pro Audio - Recording - Effects Processors
  • Safety instructions
  • Startup and operation of the effects processors
  • Tips for setting up your Alesis
  • Settings and expert assistance
  • Contact Alesis service
  • Troubleshooting
  • Warranty information
  • Price: 99 USD
We recommend checking out our discussion threads on the Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2, which address similar problems with connecting and setting up Effects Processors Alesis.

User manual for the Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2

The user manual for the Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2 provides necessary instructions for the proper use of the product Pro Audio - Recording - Effects Processors.

The NanoVerb 2 from Alesis is a compact, user-friendly preset processor featuring reverb, delay, chorus, and other time based effects, with all effects easily accessible using the front-facing controls. Updated, natural-sounding reverbs (over the original NanoVerb) comprise half of the effects selection. Users can choose from lush and expansive hall, plate, spring or tape reverbs.

The unit is also packed with other time based effects for use with vocals, guitar, keyboard, or whatever else is connected to the processor. True stereo delay, chorus, tremolo, flange and rotary speaker effects are all within easy reach, with the 16 program settings and 256 presets making it an essential signal processor.

52-bit internal DSP resolution delivers excellent sonic quality, suitable for use in any effects application, from guitar playing to studio recording. Other controls include a mix knob for adjusting how much effect is on the signal (from clean to saturated), and input and output knobs for setting correct levels.

A bi-color LED shows signal present and if it's clipping while a bypass input on the back allows for attaching an optional footswitch for live control during performance or recording. With a broad range of applicable uses, NanoVerb 2 is the perfect addition to any studio or live set up. Plus, it fits into just about any budget.
If you own a Alesis effects processors and have a user manual in electronic form, you can upload it to this website using the link on the right side of the screen.

You can upload and download the manual for the Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2 in the following formats:
  • *.pdf, *.doc, *.txt, *.jpg - Other formats are unfortunately not supported.
Additional parameters of the Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2:
Effects Type Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Spring 1
Spring 2
Plate 1
Plate 2
Flanger/Reverb Chorus/Reverb
Channels 2
Effect Variations 16
Presets 256
User Memory No
Maximum Delay 1000mSec
Wet/Dry Mix Analog
Inputs 2 x 1/4" TS phone
1 x 1/4" TS phone Bypass Pedal
Output 2 x 1/4" TS phone
External Storage No
Display Overload warning LED
Frequency Response 20Hz to 20kHz
Power Requirements 9VAC via included power supply
Dimensions (WxDxH) 7.8 x 5.1 x 1.7" (197 x 131 x 44mm)
Weight 1.26 lb (0.76kg)
Specialties 52-bit internal DSP resolution
Packaging Info
Package Weight 2.7 lb
Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 10.5 x 8.8 x 2.4"
The user manual for the Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2 can be downloaded in .pdf format if it did not come with your new effects processors, although the seller is required to supply one. It is also quite common that customers throw out the user manual with the box, or put the CD away somewhere and then can’t find it. That’s why we and other Alesis users keep a unique electronic library for Alesis effects processorss, where you can use our link to download the user manual for the Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2.

The user manual lists all of the functions of the Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2, all the basic and advanced features and tells you how to use the effects processors. The manual also provides troubleshooting for common problems. Even greater detail is provided by the service manual, which is not typically shipped with the product, but which can often be downloaded from Alesis service.

If you want to help expand our database, you can upload a link to this website to download a user manual or service manual, ideally in .pdf format. These pages are created by you – users of the Alesis NanoVerb 2 - Digital Effects Processor NANOVERB 2. User manuals are also available on the Alesis website under Pro Audio - Recording - Effects Processors.

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