User manual Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14
Operating instructions and pdf manual for use - Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14 User manual, User manual Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14, Dell, WM123, Optical, Wireless, Mouse, PXK14, Video
User manual for Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14
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User manual for the Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14
The user manual for the Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14 provides
necessary instructions for the proper use of the product Computers & Solutions - Computer Peripherals - Mice & Touchpads.
The small, compact, and lightweight WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse from Dell is a wireless optical mouse for everyday and on-the-go use that offers strong battery life. It is designed to help users decrease the clutter in their workspace through the use of a plug-and-play wireless RF connection. This mouse provides consistent performance and a reliable wireless connection through its USB anchored RF wireless dongle. Its plug-and-play capabilities also help allow for user-friendly installation so this mouse can be set up in minutes, without any software or complicated setup requirements. This mouse also features 3 buttons, including a scroll wheel, and a movement resolution of 1,000 dpi. Its USB dongle connects to any USB Type A 4-pin port.
While this mouse will work with virtually any system that supports RF connectivity, it has been tested and validated on select Dell Adamo, Alienware, Chromebook, Dimension, Inspiron, Latitude, OptiPlex, Precision, Studio, Vostro, and XPS systems. It is also supported by Dell Technical Support when used with a Dell system and operates using two separately sold AA alkaline batteries that can provide power for up to 1 year.
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You can upload and download the manual for the Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14 in the following formats:
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Additional parameters of the Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14:
The user manual for the Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14 can be downloaded in .pdf
format if it did not come with your new mice & touchpads, although the seller is
required to supply one. It is also quite common that customers throw out
the user manual with the box, or put the CD away somewhere and then can’t find it.
That’s why we and other Dell users keep a unique electronic library
for Dell mice & touchpadss,
where you can use our link to download the user manual for the Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14.
The user manual lists all of the functions of the Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14,
all the basic and advanced features and tells you how to use the mice & touchpads.
The manual also provides troubleshooting for common problems. Even greater
detail is provided by the service manual, which is not typically shipped with the product,
but which can often be downloaded from Dell service.
If you want to help expand our database, you can upload a link to this website
to download a user manual or service manual, ideally in .pdf format. These pages
are created by you – users of the Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14. User manuals are also
available on the Dell website under Computers & Solutions - Computer Peripherals - Mice & Touchpads.
Question and answer discussion forum concerning user instructions and resolving problems with the Dell WM123 Optical Wireless Mouse PXK14
When I switsh on the mouse the indicator light staart blinking and no response of cursor in screen. And if I keep this mouse in this on position for 5 to 6 days and change the battery the mouse starts working for next 5min. Then again the problem starts with right click and now if I turn off the mouse and turn on the indicator light starts blinking and no response of cursor. Like this the problem continues. Please can you explain me why?
Can you please email an operational manual for my Konus KonuStart 700B Refractor Telescope purchased for my partner, as we are having trouble.
Thank you...HTU2D-767A - Electro-Voice HTU2D-767A Handheld Transmitter F.01U.146.176 Posted by: Occo van Tijn 2025-01-10 17:51:01