We recommend checking out our discussion threads on the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930,
which address similar problems with connecting and setting up Guitar Amplifiers Peavey.
User manual for the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930
The user manual for the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930 provides
necessary instructions for the proper use of the product Pro Audio - Musical Instruments - Guitar & Bass Amplifiers - Guitar Amplifiers.
The Classic 30 112 Tube Amplifier from Peavey is a 30 watt true all-tube amplifier with a 12" speaker. Useful for blues, country and rock players alike, the Classic 30 spans the tonal landscape from vintage to contemporary sounds with ease, relying on the distinctive tone produced by the combination of its three 12AX7 and four EL84 tubes.
If you own a Peavey guitar amplifiers and have a user manual in electronic form,
you can upload it to this website using the link on the right side of the screen.
You can upload and download the manual for the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930 in the following formats:
*.pdf, *.doc, *.txt, *.jpg - Other formats are unfortunately not supported.
Additional parameters of the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930:
Power Amp
Tubes: 4x 6BQ5/EL84s with 12AX7 driver
1x 12" Blue Marvel, 16 ohms
Rated Power & Load
30 W RMS into 16 or 8 ohms
Power @ Clipping (Typically)
(5% THD, 1 kHz, 120 VAC line) 30 W RMS into l6 or 8 ohms (Bias must be reduced to measure.)
Frequency Response
+0, -2 dB, 50 Hz to 15 kHz, @ 20 W RMS into 16 ohms
Hum & Noise
No greater than 80 dB below rated power
Power Consumption
150 watts, 50/60 Hz, 120 VAC (Domestic)
Tubes: 2x 12AX7
Specs are measured @ 1 kHz with the controls preset as follows: Pre & Post (lead): 0 Reverb Level: 0 Bass & Treble EQ: 12 Middle EQ @ 0 Channel Select Out Boost Switch Out Nominal level is with Input Gain @ 6 Minimum level is with Input Gain @ 12
Nominal Input Level (Post Gain @ 12): -17 dBV, 140 mV RMS Minimum Input Level (Post Gain @ 12): -28 dBV, 40 mV RMS Maximum Input Level (Post Gain @ 12): 0 dBV, 1.0 V RMS
Custom bass, middle, and treble, passive-type EQ (Lead and Normal Channels)
Effects Send
Load Impedance: 1 kOhm or greater Nominal Output Level: -6 dBV, 0.5 V RMS
Effects Return
Impedance: High Z, 2 MOhms Designed Input Level: -6 dBV, 0.5 V RMS (Switching jack provides effects send to effects return connection when not used.)
Footswitch Input
Jack 1: Reverb Defeat (when reverb control is raised) Jack 2: Normal/Lead Channel Select (when Lead activated) Boost on/off
39.5 lb (17.9 kg)
The user manual for the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930 can be downloaded in .pdf
format if it did not come with your new guitar amplifiers, although the seller is
required to supply one. It is also quite common that customers throw out
the user manual with the box, or put the CD away somewhere and then can’t find it.
That’s why we and other Peavey users keep a unique electronic library
for Peavey guitar amplifierss,
where you can use our link to download the user manual for the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930.
The user manual lists all of the functions of the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930,
all the basic and advanced features and tells you how to use the guitar amplifiers.
The manual also provides troubleshooting for common problems. Even greater
detail is provided by the service manual, which is not typically shipped with the product,
but which can often be downloaded from Peavey service.
If you want to help expand our database, you can upload a link to this website
to download a user manual or service manual, ideally in .pdf format. These pages
are created by you – users of the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930. User manuals are also
available on the Peavey website under Pro Audio - Musical Instruments - Guitar & Bass Amplifiers - Guitar Amplifiers.
Question and answer discussion forum concerning user instructions and resolving problems with the Peavey Classic 30 112 Tube Combo Amplifier 03602930
Dear Peavey, I just purchased and received the above amp at a blemished price. An absolute great amp which I have owned and used other models for over fifty years. In the box this amp arrived in had everything but the paper owners manual. Could you please see fit to mail me one? My address is:
Brent Bazzell
1714 Valley Rd
Clarksville, TN 37043
P.S. I don't own a printer or I would print it off from web site.
Thank you, Brent Bazzell
Can you please email an operational manual for my Konus KonuStart 700B Refractor Telescope purchased for my partner, as we are having trouble.
Thank you...HTU2D-767A - Electro-Voice HTU2D-767A Handheld Transmitter F.01U.146.176 Posted by: Occo van Tijn 2025-01-10 17:51:01