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User manual Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328

Operating instructions and pdf manual for use - Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328 User manual, User manual Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328, Skullcandy, Smokin', Buds, 2, Earbud, Headphon

User manual for Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328

Overall rating 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

80% of respondents would recommend this to a friend.
Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328
  • Manufacturer: Skullcandy
  • Basic description and contents of package
  • Product classification: Mobile - Headphones - Earphones
  • Safety instructions
  • Startup and operation of the earphones
  • Tips for setting up your Skullcandy
  • Settings and expert assistance
  • Contact Skullcandy service
  • Troubleshooting
  • Warranty information
Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328 Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328 Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328 Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328 Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328
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We recommend checking out our discussion threads on the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328, which address similar problems with connecting and setting up Earphones Skullcandy.

User manual for the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328

The user manual for the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328 provides necessary instructions for the proper use of the product Mobile - Headphones - Earphones.

The black and white Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones from Skullcandy feature an in-line mic and remote for making calls and controlling most smartphones. They feature an off-axis angled design and oval-shaped port for fit, comfort and acoustic performance. Construction from moisture-resistant materials helps them stand up to active use.
If you own a Skullcandy earphones and have a user manual in electronic form, you can upload it to this website using the link on the right side of the screen.

You can upload and download the manual for the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328 in the following formats:
  • *.pdf, *.doc, *.txt, *.jpg - Other formats are unfortunately not supported.
Additional parameters of the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328:
Packaging Info
Package Weight 0.1 lb
Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 5.4 x 3.5 x 1.0"
The user manual for the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328 can be downloaded in .pdf format if it did not come with your new earphones, although the seller is required to supply one. It is also quite common that customers throw out the user manual with the box, or put the CD away somewhere and then can’t find it. That’s why we and other Skullcandy users keep a unique electronic library for Skullcandy earphoness, where you can use our link to download the user manual for the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328.

The user manual lists all of the functions of the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328, all the basic and advanced features and tells you how to use the earphones. The manual also provides troubleshooting for common problems. Even greater detail is provided by the service manual, which is not typically shipped with the product, but which can often be downloaded from Skullcandy service.

If you want to help expand our database, you can upload a link to this website to download a user manual or service manual, ideally in .pdf format. These pages are created by you – users of the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328. User manuals are also available on the Skullcandy website under Mobile - Headphones - Earphones.

Discussion Question and answer discussion forum concerning user instructions and resolving problems with the Skullcandy Smokin' Buds 2 Earbud Headphones with Mic S2PGFY-328

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Subject: Scratchy/skippy reception
Date: 24.07.2017 05:43:50Author: Bill
I have a skullcandy smoking 2 headset. I can pair it easily to my win 10 desktop. Hovever, I get a scratchy/skippy reception. I first thought it might be my player or the disk. I also have a mono Bluetooth device. The computer hardware is dimple and what I hear is clear. So..., that brings me back to the Smokin headset. How do I fix this?

Subject: bluetooth problem
Date: 05.06.2017 15:30:26Author: priyesh neupane
my phone is not reading the bluetooth signal of skullcandy wireless buds 2

Subject: Unable to reset
Date: 23.05.2017 23:00:21Author: Angelo
I have the smoking buds 2. Attempted the reset by holding the volume + and - buttons together. I heard the beep. Saw the lights flashed blue and red. Then lights turned steady on voilet. Unable to pair. Unable to turn off. Unable to reset.
Please help.

Subject: Thank you
Date: 07.05.2017 16:59:59Author: Ari
Thank you!

Subject: THANK YOU
Date: 02.05.2017 00:29:25Author: James
I had tried to figure this out for weeks and yours is the first comment to solve my problem! Thank you!

Subject: Headphones wont charge
Date: 06.04.2017 16:14:13Author: Sam S
Ive had these headphones for maybe 7 months, love them and always worked great until recently. They wont charge at all, tried 4 chargers including a brand new one and the light wont turn red or charge. They dont even turn on anymore, even with a dead battery they usually turn on and then turn off after a few seconds. Is the battery completely drained or is it another problem? Can someone help, thanks.

Subject: Smoking Buds won't turn on
Date: 17.02.2017 01:40:46Author: Judy Campf
My Skullcandy Smoking Buds have worked great until this morning. They are fully charged (blue light) but they won't turn on. Help!!!

Subject: thank you
Date: 21.01.2017 17:48:01Author: William
Thank you evan it works.

Subject: Pairing
Date: 20.01.2017 20:10:56Author: Kelsey
I just got a replacement pair of Smokin Buds 2 and was wondering if I could pair these to my computer and phone

Subject: The skipping
Date: 18.01.2017 20:05:31Author: Evan
You need to hold down the volume up button to skip forward. The volume down goes back on songs.

Subject: change songs
Date: 18.01.2017 19:50:59Author: William
Why wont it change songs when I double tap the skull?

Subject: Reset
Date: 05.01.2017 23:57:59Author: George Anderson
Reset the earbuds by first turning them on then hold down both volume control buttons at same time till you hear two beeps (long). Should be able to discover them after this.

Subject: Smoking buds 2 wont turn on
Date: 04.01.2017 12:59:51Author: david clarkson

I bought a pair of smoking buds 2 Bluetooth headset however after just 4 uses the devise does not power on even after charging the headset the blue light glows but once I remove the charging cable it’s just dead and no light turns on when I press the power on button. I had experience this before as well and got the same replaced with the dealer but this is the second time happening with a new headset. I think this has got to be something with the manufacturing issue itself can you please help me on how to restore the headset to power on again. Thanks!

Subject: SkullCandy smokin 2 quit playing
Date: 29.12.2016 19:14:02Author: Kelsey
I've had my SkullCandy just a few days, less than a week, and after charging them last night, they start pausing, and skipping everything, music and videos included. They paired fine, and worked amazing until today. Probably going to contact customer service.

Subject: Wow It's working..!!!
Date: 05.12.2016 16:15:14Author: Vikki J
@BT reset

thanks... thank you sooo much.. It is working...
Good info

i'm using Blackberry Z30. Initially I paired and deleted without unpair. This is the issue and I couldn't pair again.

I tried many mobiles to check and it was not visible. But I followed your instructions. Now it is paired again.

Date: 03.12.2016 04:38:50Author: Anne
Go here this helped get mine reset and found. Hopefully it helps. http://www.bluetoothdoctor.com/question?i-cant-pair-connect-my-skullcandy-smokin-buds-2-wireless-to-any-device-that-was-previously-working

Subject: Thanks
Date: 02.12.2016 19:13:44Author: STEVE
So glad you have made this available

Subject: SB2 Headsets
Date: 14.11.2016 10:18:44Author: Randy Webb
I have the same problem. They were working yesterday and then just stopped. this product needs to be improved

Subject: BT reset
Date: 11.11.2016 07:40:58Author: Angel instructor
I just bought mine and when you hold the middle button long enough it should reset the BT. I couldnt find it first on any device, but it just takes a while. It should flash red and blue when the BT resets

Subject: Will not turn on
Date: 31.10.2016 03:20:08Author: James J Bigham
I've seen a few people with same problem. This is the second set that have done returned and got this pair. Does anyone have an answer. They show fully charged, blue light, but nothing when I puse the power button. Can't return this set box and all is gone. I'm a little frustrated at this point. Thought maybe the first set was just defective.

Date: 30.10.2016 23:10:23Author: rsx491
All my bluetooth devices CAN NOT find these earbuds. I have paired on my phones, Samsung J7, LG Stylo, Gorilla with my Mercedes Benz and other paired BT devices. These won't pair. It's been 5 months, blue light comes on and they won't pair. I wasted $60 on this garbage!!

Date: 30.10.2016 22:30:43Author: rsx491
All my bluetooth devices CAN NOT find these earbuds. I have paired on my phones, Samsung J7, LG Stylo, Gorilla with my Mercedes Benz and other paired BT devices. These won't pair. It's been 5 months, blue light comes on and they won't pair. I wasted $60 on this garbage!!

Subject: Unable to pair
Date: 30.10.2016 15:54:36Author: Senthil
I by mistakly un paired by device
When I tried to do it again it is not showing
How to reticfy it pls help me

Subject: SB2 won't charge.
Date: 15.10.2016 21:37:39Author: Jess Eastep
My smokin buds 2 worked perfectly until about two weeks ago. Now they will not turn on and do not appear to charge. I have tried multiple USB cables and none work. No lights are coming on and no sound from the earbuds. Any suggestions?

Subject: link to manual
Date: 26.09.2016 21:20:50Author: james

Date: 18.09.2016 09:09:32Author: MIKE MILLS

Subject: Manual
Date: 16.08.2016 05:51:42Author: Manual!
I tried to actually upload the manual to the page, but it doesn't seem to actually be anywhere. Here is a direct link to a picture of the manual!


Subject: Help please
Date: 14.08.2016 04:43:08Author: Becca
Hi, I bought my buds about three weeks ago. They were working fine until today. Now they seem to be fully charged because the blue light appears when turned on, but they will not turn on. Sometimes they do if I hold it for more than 15 seconds, but not often. I don't have the warranty with me, but I know I signed up where I get it fixed free for the next two years. Is there anything I can do? I don't have the receipt on me either. thanks

Subject: How to pair - easy
Date: 22.07.2016 18:25:56Author: Cain
Make sure power is off on your Smoking Buds 2. Press and hold the power button until it turns red and release immediately. Search with device you are pairing with and look for 'SB2 WIRELESS' and hit ok to pair.

Next step, don't get mad at a website if YOU lose YOUR manual.

Subject: How to reset
Date: 07.07.2016 01:24:08Author: YCB
To reset the smoking buds 2 you need to first power it on, then hold the volume up and down buttons at the same time until you hear 2 "beeps." Once you've heard those your headset is unpaired.

Subject: Ince
Date: 17.06.2016 13:55:46Author: tink
yes I lost my instructions and want to drive my car over these pain in the ass earbuds. I will be buying another pair, copying the directions, and returning same. I got this as a gift. Skullcandy must be 2 19 year olds operating out of their garage.

Subject: Ince
Date: 17.06.2016 13:34:34Author: Peggy Ince
yeah well good luck going on the useless website. I looked several times. Unless I play a video game I have no luck getting instructions from this totally useless company. I lost the instruction page so I can't pair this piece of crap with anything. what a waste of money and what a useless company. buyer beware

Subject: Re: NO HELP
Date: 03.05.2016 11:21:34Author: Katherine
Hello Mazi,
regarding your question - please go to Skullcandy website and see the PRODUCT SETUP INSTRUCTIONS:

Or contact the Skullcandy: http://www.skullcandy.com/customer-service/contact-us/contact-us.html

Regarding this website - please read carefully - this site is not telling you here is your user manual. If nobody uploaded or shared a link to the manual, you can´t download it. It´s simple. That´s why the page is asking you "If you want to help expand our database, you can upload a link to this website to download a user manual or service manual, ideally in .pdf format. These pages are created by you – users". Today, there are more than 9.000 files.


Subject: NO HELP
Date: 03.05.2016 01:54:31Author: Mazi
This page would be awesome if it actually had the manual SOMEWHERE on this page. ANYWHERE.

Subject: Reset
Date: 28.04.2016 08:56:45Author: December snedecor
How do I reset my smoking buds 2 bt?

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